Программное обеспечение

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General Information
The "LUCI" diagnostics softwares are a series of DOS programmes (LUCIE1 LUCIE2 and LUCIE3) which have been developed to provide service support and diagnostics for the Panasonic EURO1 EURO2 and EURO3 chassis.
Operation of each programme is via on-screen menus which are controlled by the UP/DOWN cursor keys. Once the selection is highlighted, pressing the return key will either take you to a sub menu or perform the selected function.
At the end of each function you will usually see a message informing you what to do next.
At the bottom of the main menu there is an option to exit the programme and at the bottom of each sub menu is an option to return to the main menu.


Panasonic Diagnostics Interface


Данные по файлу
Создан 13.12.2012, 08:05
Изменен 06.01.2013, 04:23
Размер 247.43 KB
(0 голосов)
Имя файла Luci.zip
Скачиваний 2
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