Тема RT809F on board read and write

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amennone создал тему: RT809F on board read and write

Write ST m29w800D

Hi, I need to program ST m29w800D, with rt 809 F, can someone help me or tell me some support links?
I would like to program the chip without removing it from the main-board.
So, I need to know exactly the connection points.
The chip is mounted on a MAG 250
Thank you .
24 фев 2018 22:43 #1

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ciklon ответил в теме RT809F on board read and write

You can write through the CPU using the ISP or use a program from Toolchain panel for the respective processor if the programmer allows it.
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24 фев 2018 23:07 #2

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amennone ответил в теме RT809F on board read and write

Hi, Ciklon, and thanks for your attention.
If I understand correctly you say to write the chip ST m29w800D, through the cpu, in this case the cpu is: STI7105-BUD. The problem that we need to know the points where to insert the JTAG on the main-board. I downloaded something but it is not entirely understandable to me.
25 фев 2018 22:54 #3

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ciklon ответил в теме RT809F on board read and write

Hi Amennone,
I think the RT809F does not support ST processors via ISP
That document you have uploaded is about the following:
- Purchase of JIG based on FT2232HL
- Install the appropriate software and drivers
- Connect the JIG to the PCB to be programmed
- Explanation of working with the terminal program through which programming takes place.

But I did not see active links for 3 files.

The RT809F programmer support M29W800DB @ TSOP48, which can be programmed after being desoldering from the board, but you will need to have the PEB-1 expansion board for RT809F - www.aliexpress.com/item/PEB-1-Expansion-...84&priceBeautifyAB=0
- "Разни хора, разни идеали..." - Алеко Константинов
- "Аз знам, че нищо не знам" - Сократ

Последнее редактирование: 25 фев 2018 23:27 пользователем ciklon.
25 фев 2018 23:19 #4

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